Thursday, July 28, 2011


Levi’s is definitely one of the oldest and most recognized brands all over the world.  It remains the ever popular choice for denim lovers because they make their jeans with you in mind.   Every style and material they used is designed with a priority to the wearer’s needs, comfort, purpose and look.  Their effort to put the wearers’ expectation first has certainly won the world over for more than a century.  Today it has almost a design or style to fit anyone from a kid to the old of whichever gender.  Do you have a Levi’s yet?
Ever since the oldest pair of jeans, the original 501 was introduced way back in 1879, there have been a growing myriad of other styles that has kept denim lovers coming back for more.  After the original 501, the straight levi 505 rolled out followed by others like the super skinny 510 or the slim straight 514 levis or much more recent ones like a comfort lose 569.  Do you know which Levi’s would suit you the best? 

Whether they are boot cut, taper, skinny, straight or classic, they are already designed to accommodate your body shape and curves. The most important thing is to keep in mind the purpose you wearing it for.  No doubt, wearing jeans has been synonymous with the rough and tough drills of manual labor, the modern styles that are catering more to fashion may not fit into your intended use.  When making your choice, look for those that feel comfortable on your body while providing complete flexibility to your legs.  You can check its comfortable level by bending over while you are trying on the pair of jeans.  Ensure to choose a pair that does not restrict your movements.  The more classic slim straight pair like 514 levis would make an excellent choice to suit all occasions.  It can be simply pair with any shirt to get down and dirty or you can pair it with a long-sleeved shirt to add a slightly formal touch for a special occasion.

These days, there are also the stretchable ones which can give more flexibility to movements.  Unfortunately, stretchable jeans may not be as durable as they tend to lose their shape over time. Else you could check out those lose comfort fit.  Made to sit at the waist, they offer plenty of space.  It is advisable to keep your choices simple and it is easy to judge from popular demands that the most flattering choice is always the dark wash mid-rise straight cuts.  Unless you want to be fashionable, embellished pockets, extra zippers and flaps not only easily run out of style in short period of time but it can either compliment or outdo the shape of your body.
There is no denying that jeans are highly durable due to the denim fabric and as such, it would take a long time to wear out pair.  Get that pair that fits you and your lifestyle now.  You will never regret having one rather than not having at all!

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